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Ziziphus (Sidr)

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The Nine Instincts: Overview

I know, Americans can turn anything into a reason to hoard, but I am fascinated with the mask, how it conceals, protects, alienates. Masks have often been a cultural tradition in societies because our faces are powerful and how we cover them shows what we value. Somehow masks during Covid have become political which makes then even more provocative.

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Ziziphus Sidr honey:. Sidr honey is one of the best and most expensive mono-flora honeys worldwide. The honey is famous and used for both nutritional as food and therapeutic purposes as medicine. Sidr honey is used to promote health, healing and to boost immune system in various ways, since it is known to have a strong antioxidant, anti-biotic and antibacterial activities. It possesses very strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects and these effects would be a result of the phytochemicals present.

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